vor einem Jahr – unsere Fischspezialitäten / un anno fa – le nostre delizie del mare
Our contact details
Hotel Brückenwirt Dolomitenstraße 16A
39040 Montan, Südtirol
Tel. +39 0471/ 81 98 41
Fax +39 0471/ 81 96 22
E-Mail: info@hotelbrueckenwirt.com
How to get there
Something special!
Are you interested in nature, landscape and mountains with poetic names such as Schwarzhorn (Black Horn) and Weißhorn (White Horn) ? Then here you are at the right place. Practically behind our house the UNESCO World Heritage natural site GEOPARC Bletterbach in Aldein&Radein begins. Adventure park, place of learning, natural monument and impressing canyon - all in one - and easily reached.